Local Needs and Global Threats
As you may know, SPSA is hosting their annual meeting in-person in San Antonio January 12-15th, 2022. We are inviting submissions for a conference within a conference on Local Governance (LGC). For this year’s LGC we are particularly interested in inviting manuscripts addressing existing and impending crises, stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, social injustices, climate change or other “larger-than-local” challenges being confronted at the local level. This includes, but is not limited to the trials of federalism, fiscal stress, governance fragmentation, cyber-attacks and data availability, sustainability and resilience as climate change intensifies, economic and community recovery, racial (in)justices, and social inequities in service delivery (broadly defined). We are hoping to attract work from national, international, and global perspectives that addresses local governance issues in a methodologically and conceptually rigorous manner. If your work does so, please consider submitting to the LGC. We also ask that you consider sharing this solicitation with any students or faculty working within this space. We hope to see you in San Antonio!
All inquiries can be addressed to the LGC co-organizers below. Manuscript abstracts should be submitted to annual.LGC@gmail.com by 8/1/2021 for full consideration. Please follow SPSA guidelines for abstract and title length/format.
Cali Curley, University of Miami, calicurley@miami.edu
Claudia Avellaneda, Indiana University Bloomington, cavellan@iu.edu
Aaron Deslatte, Indiana University Bloomington, adeslatt@iu.edu